i'm intimidated by my facebook status update. what am i doing with a blog?

April 2, 2009

that facebook blank. it demands to be filled in. 
it mocks me. it is the most intimidating sentence of my day.

my new tactic is to ignore it. particularly since it's upgraded itself to asking how i feel. i confess, i tried the whole therapy thing once. that experiment went down in flames. mostly because it was based on asking how i feel.

so, knowing all that, why on earth would i attempt a blog? one most likely consisting of multiple sentences strung together? it's because another blogger confessed that her daily blog rid her of her need for material possessions. 

that may sound like a televangelist proposition but seriously, things are taking over my life. or, my need/want/desire for things is. in fact, my bookmarks of favorite internet shops are neatly tidied into a folder labeled i don't need things. there is irony in there somewhere. and shame.

so, may this blog relieve me of my thing-loving demons. or make money to buy more things. 

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