an uncommon thread

May 15, 2009

lily-padding through the interwebs, i came across the lovely, lovely work of lisa solomon. (i owe milk tooth's rain one big thank you for opening my eyes!) my inner-biology-geek can not get enough off these doily organs. grandmas everywhere are squirming uncomfortably in their easy chairs.

they are wonderful. i could fill a wall with these.
i have at least one wall that needs organs badly.

but then i saw these pieces. nature and the domestic life... sigh.
i'm going to have to find a bigger wall.

i used to be such a tomboy and now i find myself drooling over doilies and needlework. hmm...

2 notes:

  1. Omg! These are fantastic - I love the heart! And who says you can't be a tomboy and love doilies? Pshh. Please.

  2. uauha
    happy you quoted me
    ad TilliEllie i really like the heart! (I love every kind of anatomycal heart..)
